Thursday, February 19, 2009

The First Day of the Rest of My Life!

Time: 8:09 am Wednesday February 11th 2009

Location: Room 722 in the Computer Science building at Utah Valley University

That morning already started out great, I got to school on time and understood what my project was to be for my media class. I had no idea what would entail the rest of the day.

So there I was drawing logs and fire on Adobe photoshop when my phone vibrated. My first thought was that I got a text message. “I’ll look at it later” I thought. Then another vibration, short, followed by many more. That aint no text message. Not being aware of the time I thought that it might be my alarm, then I looked at my phone and saw that it was my father. Now why would my father call me at 8 in the morning, I knew my call was coming, but that won’t come til at least two. I’ll be there to pick it up from the mail. I let it go, I’ll call him back. He calls again… this is big. I text him and ask him whats going on. The next text I got made the rest of my day the longest day I have ever had. He told me he had my call, and my mom sent me a picture of it.

The next two years of my life was sitting on the kitchen table, while I still had to sit in two more classrooms for the day. That’s all I could think about. I felt like I was in Jerry Seinfield’s airport skit about water. We’re students were supposed to be learning, “WHO CARES!? MISSION!!”

There was one thing I was worried about that evening, will I be able to get out of rehearsal, I had texted my stage manager when I first heard the news, not only that but I told her a week ago I might get it. I wasn’t fully at ease until I got that text from heather saying it was ok if I was late. (my life doesn’t revolve around texting I promise)

Destinee and I got home around 3:30 or 4, everyone would be at the house at 6. We watched “Across the Universe” to try and pass the time. Yeah right.

The time had finally come, I was sitting on the piano bench. All the camera’s were posed, I was on speaker phone with a few phones.

I took the letter opener and slid it across the sticky white sealed paper, the moment I had been waiting for all my life was here. Only a few things will top this moment. I ripped it open and pulled out the letter. I had decided I wouldn’t cheat and I would find out the same time as everyone else in the room. I read the letter word for word, then it came. “ You have been called to labor in the California, Los Angeles Mission… you will be speaking Spanish.”

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jelly Belly

I've decided I don't have a best friend. I have many different flavors.

My friends are teh right mix that I need. I don't necessarily have one particular person to whom I pour out my entire soul. I like to think that I have many different jelly beans and I'll partake of the one I fell like that day. Don't get me wrong, I have many close friends to whom I am grateful for. As of choosing one of them to be the one person who knows me the best, I can't say they exist.

I have the friends with whom I assosiate the most with, they are the ones closest to a best friend. They can tell in a blink what day I'm having, and still make that day the best! Then there's the friends that can send one little text to cheer me up and htey don't know it.

I have my theatre friends whom I can sing and dance with in a parking lot and love every minute of it. I have my roommates and ward friends whom I discuss girls and church and strange situations that just might occur but not very likely. I also have the friends that facebook stalk me and I love it!

Thanks friends: DS,ED,AB,D R, AW, SB, MB, HF, AG, KB, J,E,M,A,JF,C-F