Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Switch blade?

I recently attended a church meeting where the speaker rambled on about switch points in his life. Apparently he had served in the same BYU Student stake for 11 years! He talked of how he being realesed is simply another switch point in his life. This got me to reflect upon my own life. I'm heading to one of the biggest switch points I will ever have.

I don't think of this as a "switch point" though. It's a switch BLADE. A point you see it coming and you gradually ease into the new curve of the twisting and widing track we call life. I may see this coming but there's no way I can gradually ease into leaving my friends and family for two years, learn a new language and go change people's lives.

This is a switch blade that will strike hard. I'm ready for some of it. I'm ready to try new things, as I like to think I always am and love to do it, this new thing though will be the hardest of my life. This is the switchblade into adult.

In two years I'll come back and be expected to actually do something with that life, I'll need to go to school, become somebody, do something that will somehow effect the world. I have to like it too or it won't get done.

I guess that is one of my greatest fears, returning from the field and finding out that the thing I want to do will not be the easiest thing or the highest paying or even the best to raise a family on. Family, I'm expected to have a family within the next five to ten years. Me a family?! Me getting married? I don't even think I look for a ring on the left finger when I see an attractive young lady, I guess I better start.

I'm about to see how quick this switchblade is. I have a few months and then it's off with my life!

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