Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Transfers!! 9/28/09

That's right transefer calls are being made! Elder Amundsen got one last night, before I tell you I'd like you to remember I "broke" him. He trained me on his 3rd transfer. So he's only known me and his trainer. President told him last night he was moving, and training, and becoming a District Leader. So he's pretty excited about that. He will be one of the youngest in the mission. Then again the whole mission is really young. As far as I know, I'm staying here, I don't know who my new companion will be but we we'll find out either tonight or tomorrow. Pretty exciting stuff.
This week has pretty good. We got Salvador to church yesterday! Yes!! We also had a really good lesson with him on tuesday. He's sorta on the right track. He doesn't have a testimony of the Book of Mormon, but keeps all the commitments we leave him, so we asked him to read JSH and to pray specifically about it. Leave everything else out. So we'll see what happens.
Dropped Stacy this week. That was pretty sad. She's one that when I come back to my mission in a lot of years, she's a relief society president or something. She would be so strong and needs the church!
We've pretty much dropped Bobbie too. We can never get in contact with her to follow up on a first.
Wednesday we had Zone Conference and Elder Pace from the 70 spoke. Awesome!!! So good! He told us to "become" something on the mission. I dunno if it was because we just were super stoked and pumped from Zone conference, but we went to a referral right after and taught a really really good lesson. Elder Amundsen wanted to set a baptisimal date, but I didn't feel it was right. We almost started discussing it right there. It would have been a good time, she understood everything but it just didn't feel right to me.We haven't met with her again since.
We did start teaching Burnedett, or Burnetta as she says. She is either currently or past user of drugs, and wants to turn her life around. She doesn't read. That is going to be the challenge. Our ward mission leader gave us a couple of the Living Scriptures DVD's that we could use with her, but other then that I don't know what kind of commitment we will be able to leave her.
We finally met with Oscar and Janet again! The lesson was SOO Good! Oscar kept asking questions about the right things at exactly the right time. Like Who's Joseph Smith and Why do we need the Book of Mormon. We commited them to be baptized the 25th of October. The only hard thing that we will have to face with them is getting time to teach them. He sometimes has a job and sometimes doesn't. When he does he goes to Orange County for 5 days to work. They have to sell things just to get gas so he can go. Times are tough with them. They really are interested and want to learn.
We haven't met with Keri this week, but we've talked on the phone a few times. We are going to see her tomorrow. She still is pretty excited and eager about learning, just some things with her daughter have popped up.
We've started teaching a former Investigator again. Her name is Rosio, we met with her and taught a first. She seems to be coming good. She's got a little girl that sits in on the lessons.
We had one of our two Music recitals yesterday. I sang a solo of I need thee every hour, it was really fun. It reminded me of doing theatre. Some of the Elders got a few referrals from it and we hope to get more tonight.
That's about it this week. Just pushin and working hard here in Compton. It's still really hot here! I just hope it cools down after Conference because after next week, we have to wear our suits after 6pm.
I saw the pictures of Arsenic Dad sent. The set looks so cool! Looks like you had a lot of fun building and putting on the show. Congrats on Fezziwig Dad!! That's so fun. Plus a solicitor. That was one of my favorite parts last year, cause I got to have fancy clothes for all of that. Plus I was bundled up a lot for the end of the show when we shook hands outside. Send me the cast list so I can tell you who I know. Tell John, and Marilyn, and Sally and all them I say hi!
I better get going, we still have lots of laundry and things to do. Until next week!
Elder Groves, over and out!

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