As the time of pens, pencils, and horrible biology teachers comes to an end I find myself in a small dilemma. With the holiday’s sneaking around the corner, and hot chocolate beginning to fill my soul, I ask myself one question. How am I going to go skiing this season?!
It's one of great importance. I haven't flown the powder, or cut through the heavenly substance called snow for some time now. The dilemma is that I can't afford a pass at this time nor do I have the equipment. So I'm left to explore other possibilities to bring my dream to a reality. These include but are not limited to the following.
1) Sell my soul to the devil.
2) Give plasma every day I can, then I may have enough to ski the last day of the season.
3) Sell all my belongings, quit school and get three more jobs. One including scooping up poop behind elephants during the parades. Where I'm going to find a parade in the winter is another dilemma.
4) Invent a bestselling app. possibly including animals skiing, flying or crashing into other animals to solve a puzzle of sorts.
5) Lastly, in a desperate attempt to enjoy the season, I could simply rob a financial institution, blame it on someone’s identity I stole and spend the rest of my life avoiding authorities.

If you have any other ideas, please let me know. Also if you know any deals on skiing I'm game.
Let it snow!