Monday, November 16, 2009

Rain anyone? 10/19/09

We had 2 almost 3 days of complete rain here! It was crazy, it just wouldn't let up. Which was a big bummer for me cause we couldn't go out and ride bikes. We've been doing that ALOT more, since our limit on our miles for the car got cut. It's ok, gives me more excercise! Plus I getta try out all the stuff on my bike, which I found out is pretty slow... oh well just makes me work harder!
A pretty wierd week this week, with the rain and all. I found my companion hates to tract, which is hard. We do a lot of tracting here, well more now then when I was with Edler Amundsen, but it puts us both in a downer mood. That with the gloomy weather has kinda made it a tough week.
I did get to go on splits with our DL Elder Tillman. He's one of the best missionary's. I really learn so much from him, I'm glad we did it when we did cause it gave me a boost to get things rolling in my area with my companion.
Our investigators are ... doing. Still church is the big problem. So far we've only had Salvador come the last 2 weeks. We had do drop Oscar and Janet cause we just can't get time to teach them, plus they aren't coming to church. We tried to set a Bap date with Keri, she was really really hesitant. She would tell us what she needs to do but is still really scared about making the change. With a lot of help from the lord we got one! I still feel she's pretty shakey about it though. Plus she's never been to church, she was supposed to even come to a baptismal service but didn't show! I've grown to love these people, and I wish they could see how the gospel will bless their lives in ways they can't tell right now. They just need to show a little faith!
On splits Elder Oswald taught Rocio, and got a baptismal date! WooHoo! Now we have to figure out how to get her to church so she can get baptized.
Salvador told us he isn't ready for baptism, he totally is though. He just said he has some more questions to iron out, but I think he wants to know everything before he gets baptized, which is not going to happen.
Other then that we've been tracting and working on some potentials that we found in our Area book. The works going... slowly but surely.
On other news, we've been asked to look for an apartment in our area. Which means it pretty likely that our area gets split this transfer. I never thought it would be this hard to find an apartment around here, with all the people moving out. The trouble is finding one SMALL enough. With this searching and the fact that President told me at Interviews that a lot of the people from my transfer are going to become seniors and trainers soon, a lot of the other Elders (especially my companion) think I may be training this next transfer. I don't know about training but I think I could become senior. Anywhoo, off to work we go!
I love you all and miss you, pray for church attendance and that we can find some more people to teach!

Always remember... "Jesus loves Compton"

Elder Groves!

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