Monday, November 16, 2009

Transfers! 11/9/09

Where I go nobody knows! Just follow your nose! or maybe not. I tried to send some pictures, but it kept kicking me off, when I'm done with this letter I'll try again.
Transfers have arrived! I'm leaving. I'm heading to downtown! I'm going to be in what's called the LA 6th Area. I'll be on total bike! Plus! I'm going to be the lead companionship of Barrio Sexcto, or 6th ward. My area as far as I can tell is going to be majority spanish, that I'm way excited for! I hope it's a long good while before I get called to an English area. The area itself is just south of "The Alley" I don't know the exact borders but I'll let you know next week. I can tell you that the Staples Center is in my area, that will be interesting. So that is transfers... almost. My new companion is going to be, well I don't know yet. I'll meet him on wednesday when he comes in from Provo. So I'm going to be flush training downtown, with a lot of spanish. Pray for me. It's pretty exciting, I'm way ready for something new and new challenges and I know it will definately be challenging. Elder Oswald is leaving too, he's just going north of our area, they are opening a new area there and so he'll stay in the apartment that we're in now but drive to his area everyday. So our area will be flushed, which is too bad cause we just got a crazy cool new investigator.

Her name is Lilia, she was a referrall Elder Amundsen and I got but couldn't contact cause she was in Tiajuana Mexico. I met have told you about her before, I don't remember. But she's way cool, I went over with a kid from the ward and taught her on wednesday. When we got there her Son-in-law was there. First thing he said to us was, "Hi, I'm Catholic" For the next 20-40 minutes he asked us all kinds of questions and tried to argue with us about our beliefs, saying were wrong because we believe this and stuff like that. I was scared for a little bit we had only taught Lilia once before and now she has to hear this. However the conversation soon turned to her defending us and saying the Catholics are wrong, she said stuff like we should only worship one God and things like that. It soon turned into an argument with jsut those two. She finally ended it by saying, "I'm looking for the right church, right now I'm studying with these guys, the Mormons, nothing you can say will change that." WOOOHOOO!! Go Lilia! So we taught her a first, committed her to watch the Restoration DVD and committed her to come to church on sunday. But the story doesn't end there.

We give her a call on sunday to reminds her of church, we call around 8 and church starts at 930. She said she was up and already getting ready, also said that during the week she went and found the church so she could find it again on sunday. She must have gone to church right after that cause she beat us there. After all the meetings she came up to me and said she wanted to go see the baptism that was going on tonight, not expecting her to say that we unfortunatley had an appointment, that didn't stop her. She went anyway. We get a call later that night from another Elder saying that he was talking to Lilia at the baptism and she was telling him how much she liked it and that she wanted to get baptized, so he set a date with her for Dec. 6th. How crazy is that! She committed herself to baptism!! I love this work! We have an appointment with her tomorrow so we can get started, then the new Elders will have to take over. So cool though! It makes me feel that all the work I've done in this area with tracting and finding has finnaly paid off.

Well that seems to be all I have time for this week, I'll let you know all about "Mi Hijo" next week. Until then, stay strong, stay true, and keep praying! Love you all!

Elder Groves

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